Newport Beach Aquatics , Inc. 

Newport Beach Water Polo and Newport Beach Swim Team 

 Athlete and Parent Code of Conduct 


Newport Beach Aquatics, Inc., a California corporation (NBAC) is the master organization that  operates Newport Beach Water Polo (NBWP) and Newport Beach Swim Team (NBST). All  coaches, athletes, and parents of NBAC members, are expected to set a good example for  athletes, parents, and other participants by modeling and practicing good sportsmanship and  behavior through their encouragement, and support of teammates, members, coaches, and  volunteers.  

NBWP is a member in good standing of USA Water Polo, Inc., the national governing body for  the sport of water polo in the United States (USAWP). All participants in NBWP are required to  be and are members of USAWP. USAWP has promulgated and adopted Rules Governing  Conduct and the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (collectively, the USAWP Code of  Conduct), which apply to all its (a) athlete members, (b) coach members, (c) referee members,  (d) club administrators, (e) participating members (e.g. team physicians, event organizers,  volunteers, etc.) and (f) directors, officers and employees (collectively, the “Participants”).  

NBST is a member in good standing of USA Swimming, the national governing body for the  sport of competitive swimming in the United States (USAS). USAS has also adopted a Code of  Conduct (USA Swimming Code of Conduct) applicable to all its Participants. 

In addition, all Participants of USAWP and USA Swimming are required to comply with all rules  and policies promulgated by the U.S. Center for SafeSport (SafeSport). 

All Participants of NBAC, NBWP, and NBST are thereby bound by and subject to all rules,  regulations, and policies of USAWP Code of Conduct, USA Swimming Code of Conduct, and  SafeSport, all of which are incorporated into this NBAC Athlete and Parent Code of Conduct by  this reference and which, along with this NBAC Athlete and Parent Code of Conduct, including  any updates, may be referred to collectively as “The Code of Conduct”. Additional matters  specific to NBAC are addressed in NBAC Athlete and Parent Code of Conduct.  

Please visit for further information about NBAC,  NBWP, and/or NBST. Your support is appreciated and any questions, comments, or  concerns you may have are welcome.  

Athletes’ Performance Standards

Each Athlete must:  

  1. Arrive at each scheduled practice, scrimmage, competition, team meeting, or other program  (individually, a “Team Event”; collectively, ”Team Events”) at the time and place designated by  the Head Coach or Assistant Coaches, appropriately dressed, ready to begin the Team Event  on time, with all materials, gear and other items necessary to enable them to fully participate in  practices, games, scrimmages, and team meetings.. 

  2. Regularly attend scheduled practices as directed by the Head Coach or or Assistant Coach,  unless excused in advance by the Head Coach or an Assistant Coach. 

  3. Attend all other scheduled Team Events, unless excused in advance by the Head Coach or  an Assistant Coach. 

  4. Follow instructions given by the Head Coach and Assistant Coaches. 

  5. Not engage in any disruptive or disrespectful behavior before, during, after, or while  traveling to or from, or attending any Team Event. 

  6. Read, become familiar with, and be informed of all policies. procedures, communications,  including periodic updates, relating to NBAC, NBWP, and NBST, as applicable to each Athlete. 

  7. Remain quiet while the Head Coach or Assistant Coach is speaking, not interrupt or disrupt  the Head Coach or Assistant Coaches or behave in any manner that interferes with the Head  Coach’s or Assistant Coach’s communications with other athletes.  

  8. Diligently and timely perform tasks and help others as requested by the Head Coach or  Assistant Coaches, such as course set up, warm up, stretching, returning balls and other  equipment to storage, or working the desk for NBAC hosted games, scrimmages, tournaments,  or meets. 

  9. Keep locker rooms, team rooms, practice areas, the pool deck, and other facilities clean and  orderly. Be responsible for personal gear at all times, and store it in designated storage places. 

  10. Be honest. 

  11. Direct all questions regarding Team Events to the Head Coach, Assistant Coaches, team  administrator, or parent age group coordinator.  

  12. Unless the Head Coach or Assistant Coaches specifically request or instruct otherwise,  Athletes, not their parents, are to be the primary contact for all communications regarding  playing time and lineups. 

Athletes’ Code of Conduct 

  1. Athletes must at all times to abide by, behave, and otherwise conduct themselves in an exemplary manner consistent with all Federal, State and local laws and regulations, the  USAWP Code of Conduct, USA Swimming Code of Conduct, Safesport, and this NBAC  Athlete and Parent Code of Conduct.  

  2. Athletes must always behave and conduct themselves toward one another, the Head  Coach, Assistant Coaches, officials, visiting or other players and coaches, faculty, parents,  volunteers, and others participating in or assisting with Team Events in a manner that reflects the common courtesies of decency, morality, honesty, and respect for the personal  rights and property of others, which otherwise befits a member of NBAC. 

  3. Athletes must be tolerant, supportive and respectful of their fellow team members and  coaches. The following behavior will absolutely not be tolerated: 

    1. Hazing, taunting, emotionally, physically, or verbally abusing another athlete,  coach, referee, visitors, parents, volunteers, or any person participating in or  conducting an NBAC event 

    2. Making derogatory comments about a person’s race, sex, religion, age, disability,  national origin, or sexual orientation 

    3. Using obscene or profane or unduly provocative language or gestures 

  4. Possession, handling, or use of alcohol, illegal drugs or other substances, weapons or  objects that can potentially be weaponized is absolutely prohibited and will not be tolerated. 

  5. Although water polo is a physical sport, Athletes shall refrain from engaging in or committing  any act intended, calculated, or likely to cause injury to another athlete. 

  6. Resolve any disputes peacefully and promptly. Any unresolved matters must be referred  to the Head Coach for mediation or other resolution process. 

  7. Practice and observe safety rules and procedures at all times. 

  8. Respect the facilities and personal property belonging to others at all times; restitution will  be required for any damage (Note: parents are responsible for restitution or repair of any  damage to anything caused by their children, regardless of age). 

Parents’ Code of Conduct 

  1. Parents must abide by the Code of Conduct at all times. Of particular concern are parents  who harass coaches, officials, spectators, and/or other athletes by making negative comments  toward one or all of the aforementioned groups. This is counterproductive and undermines the  values of sportsmanship, fair play, and our philosophy of “Pursuing Victory with Honor.”  

  2. The NBAC coaching staff dedicates substantial time and effort to developing the Athletes.  They welcome and encourage open, direct, and in-person communication with the Athletes;  when trying to resolve conflicts. Emails are strongly discouraged and if required, will be provided  to USAWP, USA Swimming, and SafeSport. Any issues or concerns which might arise will be  resolved as follows: 

    1. The Athlete will schedule an in-person meeting with the Head Coach or Assistant  Coach to discuss any issue or concern directly. 

    2. If an issue or concern remains unresolved after (a), an in-person meeting to  discuss and seek a mutually acceptable solution will be scheduled and attended  by the parent(s), Athlete, and Head Coach. The substance of this meeting will be  documented and signed by the Athlete, parent(s), and Head Coach, and if  required, provided to USAWP, USA Swimming, and SafeSport.  

    3. If necessary to finally resolve any Athlete’s issues or concerns, a follow-up  meeting will be scheduled and attended by the Director of Operations, parent(s),  Athlete, and Head Coach to further discuss and achieve final resolution of the  issue or concern. The substance of this meeting will be documented and signed by the Athlete, parent(s), and Head Coach, and if required, provided to USAWP,  USA Swimming, and SafeSport.  

  3. Practice groups, scrimmage teams, tournament teams, and playing time are not a topic of  discussion as the determination is made exclusively by the Head Coach or Assistant Coach, as  applicable. There are multiple factors that the coaches utilize to determine the practice groups,  scrimmage teams, tournament teams, and playing time. Coaches must have the freedom to  balance the goals and skill of an individual Athlete with giving the team a successful competitive  experience. In order to achieve this balance, practice groups, scrimmage teams, tournament  teams, and playing time will be based on, but not limited to, the following factors: 

    1. Athlete’s attitude, focus, attendance, and sportsmanship; 

    2. Athlete’s effort and responsiveness to coaching instruction; 

    3. The number of Athletes on the team; and/or 

    4. The level of play and skill for a competitive tournament and/or special  competition 

The foregoing factors may increase or decrease an Athlete’s playing time, including no playing  time at all, in any particular game, scrimmage, or tournament. Certain tournaments may be  more developmental and allow more playing time for Athletes, whereas other tournaments may  be more competitive, thereby limiting an Athlete’s playing time. There are no guaranteed spots;  playing time and tournament participation will be adjusted as necessary. Playing time is not  distributed equally and is exclusively determined by the NBAC coaching staff in the coaches’  absolute discretion.  

  1. Practices for all groups age 12 and older: The NBAC coaching staff respectfully requests that  these practices remain closed to parents. Arriving on the pool deck 10 minutes before practice  ends is fine, but parents must remain by the main pol entrance gate and not congregate near or  sit in or on the bleachers. Parents should also refrain from conversations or discussions with  coaches during practice sessions. Closed practices allow for increased focus for the Athletes  and less distractions for the coaches. Open practices will be pre-announced and available for  parents to attend.  

Practices for Athletes 10 years and younger are open to parents. 

Parents are expected at all times to behave responsibly and respectfully as spectators during  the open practices/scrimmages/games on the bleachers and should refrain from making  inappropriate comments towards their sons/daughters, other Athletes, other parents, spectators,  referees, or coaches. They should also refrain from "coaching" their children from the bleachers  as that is solely the coaches' job. Speaking negatively or gossiping about coaches, other  parents, or Athletes can be very damaging and will result in termination of the Athlete and his/ her parent(s) from NBAC.  

Travel Code of Conduct 

The following Travel Code of Conduct and Team Travel Policy (“Travel Code”) will be in effect  for Athletes invited to participate in any tournaments, championships, and training trips involving  travel (each, a “Travel Event”). Except in the normal course of executing its customary coaching  activities or responsibilities in connection with a tournament, championship, or other similar  

event, the NBAC Coaching Staff is not responsible for any supervision, travel, transportation,  lodging, meals, or any other expenses relating to a Travel Event.


In consideration of being permitted to participate in a Travel Event, in addition to The  Code of Conduct, each Athlete selected to participate in a NBAC Travel Event must also abide  by this Travel Code as follows:  

  1.  Travel to and from and stay with their parents in connection with each Travel Event and  bear all their own expenses (transportation, lodging, food, clothing/gear, registration fees, etc.)  relating to the same.  

  2. Attend and arrive on time to all team meetings, training sessions, scrimmages, games, etc. 

  3. Practice the utmost etiquette at all times, including, but not limited to, respect hotel,  meeting, & pool facilities, property, & associated or attending personnel at all times (specifically,  do not abuse, damage, destroy, misappropriate, or steal property). Athletes, together with their  parents or other responsible guardian, shall be responsible for and immediately pay for any  physical damage to the same caused by Athlete.  

  4. Not use or possess anything that can be used or construed as a weapon (e.g., knives,  firearms, etc.). 

  5. Not to engage in any unacceptable behavior, as determined by the Head Coach,  Assistant Coaches, chaperones, or guardians, including, but not limited to:  

    1. Committing any act considered an offense under Federal, California or  local laws; 

    2. Misconduct or misbehavior (eg: hazing, “initiation”, inappropriate horseplay, fighting, etc); Unsportsmanlike conduct (eg: disrespectful speech, body language, or  attitudes’ or 

    3.  Not transport, use or possess any alcohol, tobacco/tobacco products,   or illegal or dangerous drugs. 

Note: Participants present while any prohibited activities occur must immediately report the  activity to the coaching staff or be considered a participant by choice. Any person observing or  having knowledge of any activity resulting in serious bodily harm must report such activity to the  coaching staff.  

  1.  Follow all policies and procedures promulgated by SafeSport, USAWP, or USA Swimming  and/or any successor organizations to ensure that all One-on-One interactions between an  Adult Participant and Minor Athlete are observable and interruptible, except in case of (a) an  emergency; (b) a pre-existing Dual Relationship; (c) the Adult Participant and Minor Athlete are  “close in age”, or (d) the Adult Participant is a qualified Personal Care Assistant, as such policies  and procedures may be modified from time to time. 

  2.  Violation of the Travel Code will result in one or more of the following consequences, as  determined by the Head Coach:  

    1. Being sent home at the expense of the player or player’s parents. 

    2. Full or partial restriction from participation in NBAC activities.

    3. Removal from the team and sent home at the family's expense. 

    4. Expulsion from NBAC. 

    5. Any combination of the above.  

Discipline and Consequences 

Failure to abide by The Code of Conduct will result in disciplinary action against the offending  Athlete(s). Subject to the requirements of SafeSport, USA Water Polo, and/or USA Swimming,  all appropriate law enforcement agencies, and other authorities or organizations, disciplinary  measures will be determined by the Head Coach and NBAC Board of Directors, as deemed by  the Head Coach and NBAC Board of Directors to be appropriate in relation to the infraction.  Disciplinary measures may include any or all of the following:  

1. Reprimand: The offending Athlete or parent will be advised of the offense and informed of  exclusion from one or more practices or competitions, and that further misconduct will result  in a more severe penalty. 

2. Suspension: The offending Athlete or parent will be advised that he/she is suspended from  all NBAC activities for a specific number of games or days. 

3. Dismissal: The offending Athlete or parent will be advised that he/she has been dismissed  from NBAC for the remainder of the session then in effect or other time period to be  determined by the Head Coach and/or NBAC Board of Directors. 

4. Expulsion: The offending Athlete or parent will be advised by the Head Coach and/or NBAC  Board of Directors, that he/she has been permanently expelled from any future participation  in NBAC. 

Notwithstanding the foregoing or anything in The Code of Conduct to the contrary, the Head  Coach and NBAC Board of Directors reserve the absolute right to and will take any and all  action determined in their sole and absolute discretion to be prudent, necessary, and/or  appropriate to protect the physical, emotional, or mental health, safety, and well-being of any  Athlete, including but not limited to, the immediate expulsion from NBAC, NBWP, or NBST  without right of appeal by an offending Athlete, and reporting or referring such Athlete to USA  Water Polo, USA Swimming, SafeSport, all appropriate law enforcement agencies, and other  authorities or organizations. 

Note: Certain behaviors and offenses are unequivocally and absolutely required to be  immediately reported to law enforcement agencies or personnel, SafeSport, USA Water  Polo, and/or USA Swimming. The NBAC Head Coach, Assistant Coaches, and Board of  Directors have no discretion whatsoever in determining whether and how to exercise  their reporting obligations; they are legally obligated to and will fulfill their duties exactly  as mandated under all applicable laws and by SafeSport, USA Water Polo, and/or USA  Swimming without exception.  


By registering for and participating in NBAC, NBWP, and/or NBST, I acknowledge that I have  read and agree to abide by the NBAC Athlete and Parent Code of Conduct, USAWP Code of  Conduct, USA Swimming Code of Conduct, and SafeSport while training, traveling, or  competing as a member of an NBAC. I further acknowledge and agree that participation in  NBAC, NWP, and/or NBST is a privilege, strictly voluntary, that many other aquatics  opportunities are available. I agree to observe and abide by and understand the consequences 

of violating the Code of Conduct.  


By registering Athlete, paying Athlete’s registration fees, and otherwise facilitating Athlete’s  participation in NBAC, NBWP, and/or NBST, as parent(s)/guardian(s) of Athlete, I/we  acknowledge that I/we have read and agree to abide by the NBAC Athlete and Parent Code of  Conduct, USAWP Code of Conduct, USA Swimming Code of Conduct, and SafeSport while  Athlete is training, traveling, or competing as a member of an NBAC.  

I/We further agree to be responsible for and indemnify and hold NBAC, its officers and directors,  NBWP, and/or NBST, the coaching staffs, administrators, and/or volunteers free and harmless  from all damages, including, if available, posting a bond for the same, resulting from Athlete’s  actions or behavior, including but not limited to, costs associated with damage or disciplinary  action, including attorneys’ fees, and other expenses incurred by NBAC, NBWP, and/or NBST in  connection with the same.