Retriever Aquatic Club Code of Conduct- Athletes


The purpose of the Retriever Aquatic Club Code of Conduct for athletes is to establish a consistent expectation for athletes’ behavior. 


As a member of the Retriever Aquatic Club, I agree to the following statements: 

❏ I will respect and show courtesy to my teammates and coaches at all times. 

I will demonstrate good sportsmanship at all practices and meets. 

❏ I will set a good example of behavior and work ethic for my younger teammates. 

❏ I will be respectful of my teammates’ feelings and personal space. Swimmers who exhibit sexist, racist, homophobic, or otherwise inappropriate behavior will be faced with consequences. 

❏ I will attend all team meetings and training sessions, unless I am excused by my coach. 

❏ I will show respect for all facilities and other property (including locker rooms) used during practices, competitions, and team activities. 

❏ I will refrain from foul language, violence, behavior deemed dishonest, offensive, or illegal. 

❏ If I disagree with an official’s call, I will talk with my coach and not approach the official directly. 

❏ I will obey all of USA Swimming’s rules and codes of conduct. 


I understand that if I violate this code of conduct, I will be subject to disciplinary action determined by my coaches and UMBC.