RAC Training Squad Progression

The The Retriever Aquatic Club uses a 'progressive' age group program designed to develop the child physically, mentally and emotionally in a systematic fashion. A well defined, long-term approach of gradually increasing degrees of commitment, intensity and expectations is essential to reach peak performance levels during a swimmer's physiological prime. It is important that we establish training groups of swimmers who are compatible in respect to abilities, commitment levels, goals, and maturity. Unfortunately, this is not always the most convenient approach to take, but it is always the most productive and in the best interest of the swimmer. At each level, the goals and objectives are specific and directed toward meeting the needs of the swimmer. The long-term goal of total excellence is always in our minds. As each child is different, he/she will progress at his/her own rate. The coaching staff recognizes this fact by making team assignments based on a swimmer's physical, mental and emotional level of development.