Retriever Aquatic Club (RAC)  Locker Room Policies


  1. The use of the UMBC locker rooms or any locker rooms RAC uses is a privilege granted to all swimmers, parents, and coaches associated with our team during normal practice hours.

  2. Due to the fact that UMBC is a public facility, these changing areas are shared with the general public. As such, there are likely to be people who are not associated with RAC in the changing areas around the time of practice, however, there is no public swim permitted while our team is in the water. This restriction will help to limit the amount of non-RAC members in the changing areas during this time.

  3. There is NO DECK CHANGING permitted. 

  4. Locker Rooms are to be used for changing, showering, and using the restrooms only. There is to be NO LOITERING in the locker rooms. Once an athlete is dressed (for practice, dryland, or home), they need to exit the locker room immediately. This pertains to before, during, and after practices. 

  5. Food/Eating in the locker rooms is prohibited. 

  6. Coaches and staff members make every effort to recognize when an athlete goes to the locker room or changing area during practice and competition. If they do not return in a timely fashion, we will check on the athlete’s whereabouts to ensure their safety.

  7. Horseplay and misbehavior in the locker rooms will NOT be tolerated and may result in loss of locker room privileges.

  8. Theft or vandalism will result in disciplinary action and/or dismissal from the team. Swimmers are encouraged NOT to leave items/bags/etc. in the locker rooms during practice hours. Swimmers are encouraged to leave their bags along the walls or on the bleachers during practice times.RAC will not be held responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items left in the locker rooms (or in the bleacher areas). 

  9. Cell phones and other mobile devices with recording capabilities, including voice recording, still cameras, and video cameras increase the risk for different forms of misconduct in locker rooms and changing areas. The USA Swimming Athlete Protection Policies prohibit the use of such devices in the locker room or other changing area: 305.3 Use of audio or visual recording devices, including a cell phone camera, is not allowed in changing areas, restrooms or locker rooms. *Please Report the Use of Any Cell Phones or Recording Devices to the Nearest RAC Staff Member* 

  10. Taunting, Bullying, or Harassment of ANY nature will not be tolerated in the locker rooms and will result in disciplinary actions and possible dismissal from the team. 

  11. Coaches have the right to restrict/limit and deny locker room privileges for any individual and/or groups of individuals if locker room privileges are abused or disciplinary problems persist. 

  12. We discourage parents from entering locker rooms and changing areas unless it is truly necessary. In those instances, it should only be a same-sex parent. If this is necessary, parents should let the coach or administrator know about this in advance. If an athlete needs assistance with his or her uniform or gear (for example, a child under the age of eight), or an athlete’s disability warrants assistance, then we ask that parents let the coach or an administrator know beforehand that they will be helping the athlete. 

  13. RAC has staggered practices, with different groups arriving and departing throughout the day. It is therefore not practical to constantly monitor locker rooms and changing areas over this extended course of time. While we do not post staff inside or at the doors of the locker rooms and changing areas, we do make occasional sweeps of these areas. UMBC staff conduct these sweeps, with women checking on female locker rooms, and men checking on male locker rooms.

  14. As RAC Team Members, if you See or Hear any of the above-prohibited behavior, please report these concerns directly to our RAC Coaching Staff immediately.

  15.  IF YOU HEAR SOMETHING OR SEE SOMETHING... SAY SOMETHING Thank you for helping to keep our changing areas safe and protected.